Represents the amount of risk at a commercial, economic, and financial level, considering 11 key financial and non-financial factors.
What is a Credit Analysis Report?
The Credit Analysis Report allows you to determine what amount of credit you should grant your business partners. It contains key information on a business’s financial condition, payment behavior, and risk level.

If you're asking these questions, the CAR may be for you
Will my customers pay on time?
What is the right amount of credit to grant a customer?
Do I have enough information about my customers to avoid losses?
Proprietary indicators to make informed credit risk decisions

Credit Risk Indicator

Credit Limit

Payment References

Interpretation of Ratios
Why should I get a CAR?
A Credit Analysis Report will recommend a reasonable credit limit for each of your clients. It takes more than a simple gut-check to arrive at this number, considering that the consequences of late payments or defaults can include damage to your balance sheet. The CAR is a report you can trust to avoid this type of negative effect on your business.