  • Two invaluable factors are required for the economic growth of a company:

    1. A marketing strategy that builds customer loyalty and generates a lead base.
    2. Data on the consumption habits of the customers themselves, as well as insights on the competition and the product offered.

    Although marketing is a consolidated and indispensable element within a company’s organization, the use of data solutions and systems continues to lag relatively behind in Latin America. This is despite the fact that it is increasingly essential to support marketing strategies with data management.

    Over the last decade, the world began to realize the enormous amount of daily information generated on the Internet. The Data Never Sleeps study, by the consulting firm Domo, shows that from 2013 to 2022, Google searches per minute increased from 2 million searches to 5.9 million

    Additionally, Statista has important forecasts regarding data generation. A grand total of 181 zettabytes (1 zettabyte = 1 billion terabytes) is expected to be created by 2025.

    Such information cannot go unnoticed by the marketing industry, which is no stranger to the fast pace of technological innovation. Last year alone, marketing as we know it underwent a revolution with the emergence of AIs. One could speak of marketing before AIs and after AIs.

    Bearing in mind that the only constant is change, companies can no longer afford, in 2024, to neglect the use of data for their strategies, as it is up-to-the-minute information that can predict consumer and technology trends.


    Marketing and Big Data: the dream team.


    Under this circumstance, the fundamental role of Big Data is to collect as much information as possible about a given customer. With this, it is possible to predict more accurately the future buying behavior of consumers and create more segmented and even personalized strategies.

    A correctly targeted campaign will reveal a wide variety of customer data, such as preferences, hobbies, and interests. For example, in the case of a B2B company, businesses will be able to know in advance who their customers are, what they are interested in, to the extent of knowing their search history.

    With such a tool, they would be able to create a more detailed and fine-tuned prospecting according to the client’s needs.


    4 reasons to embrace data-driven marketing


    Truly understanding your buyer persona

    Without behavioral data, the buyer is just a shadow without a defined personality. The data collected by search systems can define a buyer (whether it is a person or a company) to know it in depth, which will help you create personalized content campaigns, generating meaningful conversations between brand and customer.


    Developing a 360° user experience

    Data analytics solutions provide valuable insights about your prospects: what they are interested in, what they need, and what they would be willing to invest in. For years, the current approach to marketing has been to focus not on what your company offers, but on what the customer needs, putting them at the center of the conversation.


    Better leads generate better insights

    Once your data marketing strategy leads you to meet prospects that are truly interested in you, you will be able to obtain more substantiated insights and data that will lead you to make more informed decisions, and even implement predictive analytics that will help you forecast your customers’ future behavior.


    Goodbye manual tasks; hello, automation.

    Like many other teams within companies, the marketing team can take days to segment its lead base, develop campaigns, and create communication and lead nurturing efforts. However, with data-driven solutions, you can create automated processes that can help you reduce the time and costs of your operations and create automatic content flows.


    Other tangible benefits of data marketing include:

    • Analyzes and measures the results of the actions carried out.
    • Enables new sales opportunities.
    • Helps make real-time decisions more efficiently and based on accurate information.
    • Reduces planning times.
    • Helps to detect and avoid possible loss of customers on the web.
    • Makes it possible to detect bad practices and frauds by users.
    • It provides new market trends.
    • Allows to obtain relevant data on the evolution and correct functioning of the business in the short, medium, and long term.

    Another great advantage of this model is the flexibility to choose the most appropriate campaign for your company, hence there are several ways to take advantage of it, such as data-driven chats, the use of SEO strategies, and the development of campaigns that accelerate expansion into new markets.

    In short, integrating data marketing into the business model is a must for companies in 2024, no matter what sector they belong to.